Saturday 30 June 2007

The Glory of Galapagos (8-15 June)

I met Debs and Rosie nice and early at the main square of Puerto Ayora and we found a taxi and headed to meet the Love Boat at the airport. After the embarassment of putting our boat stickers on our shirts, we were met by our guide, Cesar. Cesar is a wiry, leathery, old sea dog of a guide, aged 69 with 35 years' experience in the Galapagos. He has seen it all. We got to the Love Boat and met our fellow passengers - the Aussie couple Vi and Aaron; the Israelis Mati, Bar, Michal, Maetal and Yael; the Austrians Claire and Silvia; the UK's Kevin and his son Joe; Hector from Spain; and Sara from the US. The Friendship was a three level boat with a great upper deck for chilling, bird watching and island gazing.

Each night Cesar gave us a briefing on the next day's adventures which included a few hours on each island, plus 1-2 hours snorkelling, lunch plus a siesta. By the time dinner came around we were pretty tired but always keen for more. Our island itinerary:

Day 1: Baltra Island and Bachas Beach
Day 2: Plazas Island and Sante Fe Island
Day 3: Espanola Island
Day 4: Floreana Island
Day 5: Santa Cruz Island, Charles Darwin Station and Parte Alta
Day 6: Rabida Island and Chinese Hat
Day 7: Bartolome Island and Sullivan Bay
Day 8: North Seymour Island and Baltra Island

We spent the eight days wandering about the Galapagos Islands and experiencing some of the most amazing wildlife I have ever seen. Not only do you see everything but you see hundreds of creatures of all species - territory guarding, mating rituals, nesting, births, young rearing and game playing and so much more. Combined with the unique volcanic landscapes it was a magical trip. Certainly one of my all time top 5 favourites.

Meet some of the characters:

Blue footed boobie: brilliant colour feet and an impressive diver for fish.
Marine iguana: a modern dragon including spikes, which dives for seaweed and blows salt from its nostrils.
Land iguana: similar to the marine but comes in three varieties - all cream, red and yellow belly.
Penguin: stands to attention on the rocks and dives for sardines in front of your face.
Sealion: the dog of the sea, so playful and loves to blow bubbles in your face - beware of the dominant male.
Reef shark: our constant companions and thankfully "vegetarian".
Green turtles: unafraid to swim below us with graceful style.
Eagle spotted ray: impressive in formations of 20+ as we cruised by.
Lava lizard: the much overlooked funky small lizard of the lava flows.
Frigate bird: male has impressive red inflatable skin flap under chin for attracting females.

Photos at

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