Thursday 21 June 2007

Books I am reading

A quick note on books. Read 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho to start things off, which is apparently one of the best selling books ever. A lovely and uplifting story about travelling and seeking your 'personal legend' but the end is a little corny and neat, unless you are really homesick.

Next was 'God of Small Things' by Arundhati Roy which blew my mind and in addition to being a wonderfully exhausiting story of love and family, reminded me of how children filter the impact of adults. Gawd what a emotional experience and I loved it all.

After that was '100 Years of Solitude' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which certainly lived up to its reputation as the epic Latin American novel. A superb tale of one family's history which captures all the political, social and personal sufferings and triumphs of a 100 years, I reread so many pages just to try to keep up. Very convincing on the notion that poverty produces the strongest love.

Now am reading 'The Lost Heart of Asia' by Colin Thubron which is non-fiction travel writing on his journey through the countries of central Asia (the 'Stans) that I am thinking of visiting after the Middle East.

Let me know if you are reading something good...


  1. Am reading lots of good books, simultaneously! Here are the top ones:

    Full Catastrophe Living
    - All about how to deal with the full impact of your life in every moment.
    - Awesome for altering your world view on pain, stress and too much rushing!

    The Weather Makers
    - Niiice! Quite well written.Too much like actual work though ;-)

    Fugitive Pieces
    - Beautiful, sad, amazing, tragic, read it read it read it.

    How to be a Sloth
    - Written version of a speech given by a US comedian; funny rating 3/5

  2. Get hold of the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver - hefty and on a rare occasion slow but one of the finest novels of Africa I have read.


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