My first real stop in this journey was Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. Vancouver is the capital of British Columbia and is currently sprucing itself up for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Similar to Sydney in the lead-up to 2000, everyone is talking and doing something about it.

My dear friend James Rees met me at the airport with a big Wookie love roar and hug and we bus hopped back to his place on Denman on the West side of Vancouver, a very funky part of town. We dumped my stuff and headed for Stanley Park, one of the biggest urban parks in the world where we spent much of the afternoon catching up, playing frisbee and various shenannigans.

With a civilised starting time for the day, we headed for the Marina markets for some tasty salmon and soba on the harbour plus some wicked blue cheese for later. That afternoon we wandered along the foreshore to the the cool harbour suburb of Kits, where we just happened to be in the neighbourhood of James' 'special friend', Anna, where we dropped in for a drink or two.
Along the way, we started what was to become a theme for the week, spotting the ultimate in pickups. If you are serious about your utes and pick ups - as I am - then you will know that the pickup must be HUGE, it must have raised wheels and huge tyres. The key here is size and I think we found it with this one.

Although Vancouver is a really wet city, I had the most perfect weather almost the entire time. Vancouver is surrounded by the most amazing mountains but soon I would discover that there was so much more waiting further north.
Hey there Mr G. Wow - you've really hit North America with a bang! Sounds like you're already having a great time, which is really cool. Keep up to date with the blogging - I hang off your every word, but then, you already knew that :) love timbeau
ReplyDeleteHey Nick, so sorry I didn't get to farewell you in style before you departed these fine shores (I've been up the coast). Looks like you are already having a great time- when do you not! Don't let the Canadians fill you with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I don't actually think it complies as a food stuff. I'm ejoying your blog and photos- will help me live vicariously through you while I'm dealing with late night feeds and screaming toddlers! Amanda (Steele- who knows how many Amandas you have in your life!)xxx