Ellis Island: the entry point for over 5 million immigrants until the 1960s and more than 100 million Americans claim descendancy from someone who came through here. Amazing stories.
Hanging out in NY: funky bars and shopping in SoHo, Shisha pipe places on the East Side, super cool clubs in the Meat Packing District plus a wonderfully bizarre French cafe open 24 hrs staffed by androgenous and cross dressing waiters who liked to take photos of themselves, catching Derrick Carter on the turntables at the Sullivan Room, beating the challenge of the subway, plenty of great conversation, bugger big empty space where the twin towers were, frantic pace on Wall street, chillin in Prospect Park, food shopping in the world's largest Chinatown (outside anywhere in China I guess) and sooo much more - this is a truly cranking city.

I remember you told me once how much New York reminded you on movies :D