When a big change occured in my life, there are several things I had to make sure I had. First was friends and family to console and consult - I couldn't have had a proper breakdown/crisis/epiphany without them - especially my eternally wise counsel the animal whisperer (you must get his book 'Whatever you do, don't run' which is published in Australia by Allen & Unwin); also my large rock of a friend who has always been in the same spot and so also always there for me; and of course my chief ass kicker up north who wouldn't let me falter. Last but not least my Canberra sister in singleness - you rock!
Once my mind was made up I needed my Morten. Morten is my travel agent who has been booking my stuff for years and is so damn dependable and quick. He whipped together an itinerary so fast and even though my mind wasn't made up, I knew he was there, ready to go when I was. Like a piece of lush rainforest, I would hate for other people to discover my Morten but it would be selfish to keep him to myself. So here he is:
Morten Friis, Senior Travel Consultant, FCm Executive Leisure
T: 02 9923 8878 // 02 9923 8712 (direct)
E: morten.friis@fcmtravel.com.au
Don't be put off by Executive Leisure (connected to Flight Centre), he be cheap too. Please be kind to him...as he has been to me.
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